Hello, I am Seven.

Greetings Earthlings,

Welcome to my blog. I just wanted to introduce myself  to you before you go exploring the parallel universe of my and your mind.

I came here to write about all the “late night thoughts” that can hunt you even during a day if not dealt with properly. I came here not to judge or be judged, not to give you life wisdom nor to tell you how to life your life but rather to show you mine, my thoughts, my mistakes and my conquers so that you might use them for your own good. I came here cause in the “real” world sometimes there is no place for me. I came here to share and possibly inspire you to THINK about life and not just to LI(V)E it.

I will write about various topics. From family, love, friends, to travels, school, jobs but also about meaning of all of it. To write when l have no strength to speak.

You can call me Seven for now.


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How to tell you about me when l am still trying to reach my true self? Call me Seven for now and let's travel to parallel universe of your minds.

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